Tag Archives: Coffee

It’s Time to Write

3 Nov

For the third consecutive year, I’ll be doing Nanowrimo.  The uninformed should just go check out the website, but the short version is that it stands for National Novel Writing Month, and it’s the time for would-be novelists to pretend they’re writers and create a 50,000-word between November 1 and November 30.

It’s really great fun coming up with 1,667 words a day.  Every freakin’ day.

My novel on the first year turned into a bit of an epic, and I did part two the second year.  This time, my goal is to edit everything down and have a completed novel in relatively good shape, you know, something I could send to grandma for Christmas.  I mean, it’s time to get this thing moving along.  I even have my own banner:

If that doesn’t sell books, nothing will.

So this means that I’m about to set off on another November of adventure, late nights, and avoiding family obligations.  I can’t wait!  It also means I’ll probably have to set down some of the Florida literature for a while.  Then again, I also do my best work when I’m reading someone with a style similar to mine, and Carl Hiaasen certainly fulfills that requirement.  And lookie there…he’s from Florida.